Book Cover

Here is a piece of Cover Art for a Fantasy Novel now in publication on Audio Tape. The Process of creating it involved 4 separate programs and a LOT of "Stitching".  ( see "Animal Stitching" )

The first step was to create the "window" which would serve as a filter for the downpour of light.
To do this, I needed a dragon. Many are available on line... but I truly needed an original as this was going to be a widely distributed image and not just something done for my own amusement.

The Great beast would be the Second incarnation of the less elegant and far more bulky "Homunculus" created in another piece by blending together parts of a Lion, Snake, iguana and Elephant. I did not concern myself with correct color matching in this image, because I knew the final dragon would be "de-saturated" and appear as more of a gray scale.

With the Dragon and Window created and merged in Photoshop, the next step was to "dress" a Poser3 model and insert him into a trueSpace4 scene. With a few dozen positioning tests done for the shadows... The Final scene was Ray Traced using a feature called Volumetric Lighting, which simulates visible beams of light hitting dust particles in the air.


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