Random Strangers - 100,000,000 Possible Combinations

An introspective potion seller, shaped like a raven with a puppy's head - with a pine cone head.

Accept the results above, Or press "Roll Again",
Or scroll down and roll your own percentile dice for random numbers,
Or just pick what you want from below. It's your adventure.

Tavern Names
Evil Factions
Book Titles
Characters Names
Magic Items
Coins and Pocket Loot
Tavern Meal "Specials"
Wicked Monsters
Amateur Gods
A Cast of Thousands
Battle Insults
What is all this?
In a world where the nightmares of magic users sporadically become real, you may run into some very weird people.
People you might meet on the road, or people you might choose as the start of your own new character.

Which will you choose? THAT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS!

To get your own stranger, please roll from the tables below. There are 100,000,000 possible combinations.

Example: Rolling a 7, a 52, a 53 and a 35 Equals "An unemployed tanner, shaped like a marble statue of a satyr - stuffing cashews into his cheeks for the winter."
 d100 - Demeanor

1  A proud
2  An indifferent
3  A bored
4  A seditious
5  A conscientous
6  A dedicated
7  An unemployed
8  A law abiding
9  An introspective
10  An actively evil
11  A socially disruptive
12  A desperately unhappy
13  A superstitious
14  A nosy
15  A talkative
16  A careless
17  A pyromaniac
18  An actively good
19  A saintly young
20  An unusually attractive
21  A cynical
22  An exhausted
23  A suspicious
24  A drunken
25  A nihilistic
26  A xenophobic
27  A hyperactive
28  An argumentative
29  A clumsy
30  A panicky
31  An angry
32  An absent minded
33  A frustrated
34  A whining, tantrum throwing
35  An itchy
36  A naive
37  A super mellow
38  A terrified
39  A vegetarian
40  A bald
41  A homicidal
42  A dead
43  A constipated
44  A barely awake and yawning
45  A revolutionary
46  A shifty
47  An asinine
48  A penny pinching
49  An overbearing
50  A sticky fingered
51  A loud
52  A smelly
53  A sour faced
54  A compulsive
55  A violent
56  A venerable
57  A depressed
58  A charismatic
59  A bewildered
60  A forgotten
61  An abandoned
62  A rude
63  An observant
64  A jovial
65  A morbid
66  A diabolic
67  A benevalant
68  A pouting
69  A pessimistic
70  A furious
71  A recently resurrected
72  A serene
73  An easily distracted
74  An over-worked
76  A claustraphobic
77  An arthritic
78  A robust
79  A laid back
80  A congested
81  A fastidious
82  A skittish
83  A deluded
84  A volatile
85  A pensive
86  A near sighted
87  A kleptomaniac
88  A highly competitive
89  An envious
90  An amnesiac
91  A philosophical
92  A narcoleptic
93  A foolhardy
94  A vindictive
95  An unbalanced
96  A tongue tied
97  A music hating
98  An ingratiating
99  An unimaginative
100  A psychic"
 d100 - Profession

1  gossip
2  candle tender
3  bartender
4  mason
5  butcher
6  tailor
7  town crier
8  reader
9  tax collector
10  table waiter
11  fortune teller
12  mugger
13  lute maker
14  potion seller
15  magic shop owner
16  groveller
17  random victim
18  fool
19  city guard
20  town official
21  mountebank
22  urchin
23  glazier
24  privvy cleaner
25  wise elder
26  home cooling wizard
27  home heating wizard
28  blacksmith
29  armourer
30  weapon seller
31  stable hand
32  chef
33  cobbler
34  tavern singer
35  cooper
36  bounty hunter
37  priest
38  spy
39  jewel miner
40  jeweler
41  bookseller
42  farmer
43  fisherman
44  chimney sweep
45  coach driver
46  executioner
47  jailer
48  hermit
49  fletcher
50  ostler
51  rug beater
52  tanner
53  trapper
54  hunter
55  ranger
56  teacher
57  scholar
58  ropemaker
59  bath house wizard
60  stinky rag seller
61  bee keeper
62  rat catcher
63  dry goods merchant
64  sculptor
65  lumberjack
66  miller
67  carpenter
68  brewer
69  healer
70  juggler
71  stilt walker
72  travelling acrobat
73  animal impersonator
74  cannoneer
75  mud slopper
76  bodyguard
77  thatcher
78  dog trainer
79  grounds keeper
80  murderer
81  dog catcher
82  cat shaver
83  courier
84  midwife
85  barber
86  money lender
87  local guide
88  torch maker
89  flute carver
90  toy maker
91  herbalist
92  wall painter
93  fence builder
94  apothecary
95  sign painter
96  portrait painter
97  thief
98  horse manure sweeper
99  stevedore
100  butler"
 d100 - Species

1  shaped like
a duck
2  shaped like
a human
3  shaped like
an elephant
4  shaped like
a slovenly, foul mouthed elf
5  shaped like
a moose
6  shaped like
an Orc
7  shaped like
a gnome
8  shaped like
a lizard
9  shaped like
a robot
10  shaped like
a rabbit
11  shaped like
a fish
12  shaped like
a cat
13  shaped like
a horse
14  shaped like
a very large bird
15  shaped like
a dog
16  shaped like
a dwarf
17  shaped like
a frog
18  shaped like
a weasel
19  shaped like
a mushroom
20  shaped like
a weird human with a long head
21  shaped like
a stick bug
22  shaped like
an ocelot
23  shaped like
a shark
24  shaped like
a mobile tree
25  shaped like
a twisted rag
26  shaped like
an athletic squid
27  shaped like
an anteater
28  shaped like
an egg
29  shaped like
an avocado
30  shaped like
a crab
31  shaped like
an ornately dressed, but
undernourished sloth
32  shaped like
a brick with a head on it
33  shaped like
a sack of oranges
34  shaped like
a piglet
35  shaped like
a sugar glider
36  shaped like
an orangutan
37  shaped like
a slovenly penguin
38  shaped like
a pangolin
39  shaped like
a turtle
40  shaped like
a tardigrade
41  shaped like
a tall gecko
42  shaped like
a toucan
43  shaped like
an owl
44  shaped like
a kangaroo
45  shaped like
a crocodile
46  shaped like
a big mouse
47  shaped like
a Pterodactyl
48  shaped like
a mountain goat
49  shaped like
a pear
50  shaped like
a polar bear
51  shaped like
a koala
52  shaped like
a giant head with tiny limbs
53  shaped like
a marble statue of a satyr
54  shaped like
a tightly crumpled ball of
parchment with limbs
55  shaped like
a turnip
56  shaped like
a chess bishop with a fire engine
red complexion and sharp horns
57  shaped like
an ostritch
58  shaped like
a Howler Monkey
59  shaped like
an asparagus stalk
60  shaped like
a starfish
61  shaped like
an athletic capybara
62  shaped like
a griffen
63  shaped like
a manticore
64  shaped like
a water barrel with limbs
65  shaped like
Santa Claus
66  shaped like
a hamster
67  shaped like
a goblin
68  shaped like
a centaur
69  shaped like
an armadillo
70  shaped like
a gargoyle
71  shaped like
a dolphin
72  shaped like
an ancient human
73  shaped like
a troll
74  shaped like
a nymph
75  shaped like
a harpy
76  shaped like
a wombat with a catfish head
77  shaped like
a raven with a puppy's head
78  shaped like
a teenaged quail
79  shaped like
a gnoll
80  shaped like
a kobold centaur (Yes. There CAN be
such a thing. It's Fantasy. . . . . . . Shut up)
81  shaped like
an ibex
82  shaped like
a sloth bodybuilder
83  shaped like
a civilized boar
84  shaped like
a dogwood bush
85  shaped like
a very tall human
86  shaped like
a cluster of broken pottery,
all glued together in a humanoid form
87  shaped like
a fox
88  shaped like
a wildly flapping wind sock of silk tubes
89  shaped like
a walking canoe
90  shaped like
a musclebound human athlete with baby legs.
91  shaped like
an ekidna
92  shaped like
a fudge brownie
93  shaped like
a coat tree with bad posture
94  shaped like
a badly re-assembled pocket watch
95  shaped like
a bird's nest with eight spider eyes
96  shaped like
a ladle with the face on the concave side
97  shaped like
a discarded piece of chewing
gum in a flourescent clown wig
98  shaped like
a dried, shrunken peeled apple
99  shaped like
an aristocratic puffer fish
100  shaped like
a clump of mashed potatoes mixed with
chunky peanut butter (With rainbow sprinkles)
 d100 - Activity

1  - wearing bamboo pauldrons.
2  - that got stuck in a downpour.
3  - swinging a captured high priest
around by his legs.
4  - who immediately starts explaining the
difference between stalagmites and stalagtites.
5  - with a fancy walking stick
and wearing corduroy armour pads.
6  - selling bat guano and sulfur
from shoulder bags.
7  - dragging a war hammer on a
belt that is far too heavy.
8  - carrying a load of rare books.
9  - flashing shiny bracelets,
rings and necklaces.
10  - trying to learn how to
ride a new unicycle.
11  - comfortably singing a local
folk song.
12  - chomping wildly on bacon jerky.
13  - hastily stamping out burning
bits of paper.
14  - who is continuously smoking a
backpack hooka.
15  - binge eating a basket of fresh plumbs.
16  - smiling amiably through tears.
17  - with arms wrapped tightly around
a small wooden box.
18  - wearing steel spring boots that
bring him to human height.
19  - building a thumb harp out of
dried rat bones.
20  - walking in slow motion while making heavy
footfalls and immitating low thunderclaps noises.
21  - oddly peering around at close
objects using a telescope.
22  - in heavy makeup, wearing a
feathered hat.
23  - trying to give herself a rose tattoo.
24  - wearing spiked shin guards.
25  - making drum noises as if playing
invisible bongos.
26  - always looking for the nearest
horse trough or pond.
27  - wearing a low quality witch costume.
28  - attempting to consume a sharpening
stone as if it were a cheese wheel.
29  - with hairy, muscular arms.
30  - using a long, thin pointer stick to indicate
all nearby objects.
31  - ruining a deck of cards by tossing them into the air
and picking them all up in order to ''shuffle'' them.
32  - reading a book.
33  - selling small ''snake in a basket''
surprise spring toys.
34  - trying to load a crossbow.(Failing.)
35  - stuffing cashews into his cheeks
for the winter.
36  - testing out a violin that she just made.
37  - gluttonously wolfing down pancakes in heavy syrup.
38  - striking a series of poses as if he were having
a portrait painted.
39  - snickering as he mumbles goblin
and gnoll swear words.
40  - wearing fingerless gloves and a monocle.
41  - snuffing raw ginger from a tiny sack.
42  - who is blatantly circling all nearby
strangers to locate their coin purses.
43  - occasionally breaking into a light tap dance.
44  - trying to sell lemon peels as if they're an
illegal drug of some kind.
45  - having a very tough time trying to frown.
46  - sewing a button back onto her vest.
47  - turning his back to reveal a hastily painted
ad for a local business.
48  - striking an heroic pose and pretending to be a
solid gold statue.
49  - turning the crank on a hurdy gurdy.
50  - with a very disturbing smile.
51  - with giant human hands.
52  - amusing himself immensely by lifting up his collar
and drawing his head in like a turtle.
53  - squeezing a stress ball made of a dingo's bladder.
54  - aggressively ''chest bumping''
any tree, wall or rock nearby.
55  - trying to climb into her own backpack.
56  - continually turning to your right and addressing
an imaginary ''audience'' to make comments.
57  - ominously pendulum swinging a sock full of manure.
58  - polishing a glass tankard with a clean soft cloth.
Continuously. Non-Stop.
59  - busily trying to light both ends
of a candle.
60  - running in place while checking her pulse.
61  - occasionally walking on his hands.
62  - trying to read her own tea leaves.
63  - limping from a recent magical
hip replacement.
64  - sketching out plans for a harvest festival trampoline.
65  - attempting to tie any nearby stranger's
boot laces together.
66  - with expensive hair that he keeps
checking in a hand mirror.
67  - covering her ears while shouting
La La La La!.
68  - wearing a finely tailored tweed
suit and lavish silk scarves by the dozen.
69  - occasionally sneaking a drink from a large flask.
70  - greedily guarding a bowl of crunch beetles.
71  - attempting to shrug his shoulders. (Has no shoulders.)
72  - repeating the phrase ''Welcome to Zutain''.
73  - absent mindedly playing with tiny
stuffed action figures.
74  - watching a moving picture show on
enchanted paper.
75  - forming crude figures of everyone
nearby out of bread dough.
76  - tossing sardines straight up into the air to try
and catch them in her mouth.
77  - wearing an animal skin inflatable pool float.
78  - screaming all words while staggering back and
forth as if on a ship during a violent storm.
79  - caught in the act of inventing the
very first Yo-Yo.
80  - balancing on a 4 foot round obsidian sphere.
81  - determined to waste your time by
communicating only in charades.
82  - obsessively working on a sliding tile picture puzzle.
83  - sipping tea.
84  - trying to lift himself up by his own
boot straps. (Has no boots)
85  - with a pine cone head.
86  - feeding a tiny bird in a cage made
of chicken bones.
87  - wearing a heavy winter parka.
88  - balancing a stuffed eel on her head.
89  - playing custom marracas made from
dragon scales.
90  - turning in circles like a dog before
collapsing into a nap.
91  - with a bad chewing tobacco habit.
92  - doing difficult yoga.
93  - fanning herself with a stuffed flatfish.
94  - sweeping his arms and legs slowly as
if treading invisible water.
95  - practicing the rolling coin over knuckles trick.
96  - painting a tiny wooden bird house.
97  - in a flourescent clown wig.
98  - wearing a ruff collar.
99  - squeezing her eyes shut while making birdcalls.
100  - killing flies in a swarm, one at a time."

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